Hello everyone,

First an update….I finally took the leap (drumrollllllllll)

The blog is now self hosted…….yaas (cat wheels )

So no more but now

From my previous post , i already said i didn’t have any goal for the new year.My only goal is to know God more and obey his commands and instructions. So i wasn’t even thinking about this when the year first started. I knew i was eventually going to do it but i was not sure i was ready. Then it became strong on my spirit to make the move after the response i got from my last post ( the love was overwhelming …you guys are the best ). Then someone else said it again randomly , so i knew it was the right thing to do.(Yessss to spontaneous move of the Spirit) . I am so convinced that God will use these posts to bless someone’s life.(Amen)

So let’s jump right into today’s post.

Last year, i had to scrub in for a surgery with one of our consultants.The surgery was to remove a device in one of the major blood vessel in the body of the patient with visual guidance.

The visual guidance was an xray machine and since we were going to do multiple exposures we had to wear this special jacket to protect our selves.

You see before now i have seen those jackets before but i have never worn it and so I didn’t have an idea of how heavy it is.I am not sure of the exact weight but that thing is heavy.

We had to stand for the procedure which required a high level of dexterity…..with the heavy jacket , let’s just say i was not at my very best that day.The jacket was so heavy, i could barely concentrate.All i could think of was when we were going to finish so i could take it off. Then this scripture came to my mind;

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12:1‬ ‭KJV‬‬

It became more clear to me why scripture was telling us to lay aside every weight.Weight will render you ineffective in this christian journey.Weight here could be anything, it could be sin, relationships, habits, unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred,addictions etc

The notorious jacket

This year, you have to lay everything aside so that you can run the race set before you.Another picture that comes to mind is an athlete running with iro and buba with gele.Such can never win the race because the attire alone will get in the way.

There are territories to be won for the Lord but we can’t do it with so many things dragging us back.

To move into tomorrow, you have to drop the weight of yesterday.

We are soldiers and we don’t entangle ourselves with the things of this world.

“No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.”

‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭2:4‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Breaking habits might not be easy but with God all things are possible .The closer you get to God the more your appetite for some things reduces.It is also possible to live a life free of sin through the help of the holyspirit.

There is this analogy i always make, when you have a baby and you feed with good and nutritious food, the day you give the child junk to eat he or she wont take it because they are used to something else.Likewise your spirit.

There are some friends you might have to cut off , some shows and films you have to stop watching, some songs you have to stop listening to.Inside your heart you know those things that qualify as weight for you, just sincerely ask God to help you with them.

Stop making excuses for yourself , because on the Last Day no excuse is tenable.Get rid of the excess weight and set your eyes on the race ahead of you.

Love and Light,


Ps:I couldn’t get a better picture with the jacket because all i wanted to do was to take it off.

16 thoughts on “LAYING OFF THE WEIGHT

  1. What a nice way to relate what we go through in our daily life to our spiritial life, it gives a better understanding of the word “weight”. Thank you so much for sharing.


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